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Munro Vehicles
Munro 1

Munro Vehicles is a start-up company founded in 2019 by Russ Paterson and Ross Anderson, to design and build a tough, no-nonsense, all-terrain 4x4. The big difference between the Munro 1, their first creation, and any competition (if they indeed have any currently), is that it is entirely battery-powered and will be built in Scotland. It will make Munro Vehicles this country's second car manufacturer, with the seven-style Raptor Sports Cars being the first, following the demise of the Peugeot-Talbot plant at Linwood over forty years ago.

Over 300 jobs are forecast for their purpose-built East Kilbride manufacturing plant, where these innovative vehicles will be hand built by a highly technical workforce.

In the late summer of 2022, an agreement was reached with ‘Wyre’, an all-electric vehicle sales and leasing specialist that’s targeting major industries and utilities throughout the USA. This important deal means that vehicle production will start in Munro’s purpose built factory at the end of 2022, ready for the first export shipments in 2023.

The first fifty units already sold will be delivered in 2023, with 500 in 2024 and 2,500 in 2025. Munro Vehicles will be dedicating half of their 2023 production to left-hand-drive vehicles developed specifically for the US market, which Wyre will deliver to customers throughout the year.

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